Goodluck to all students sitting for their final exams!

⚠️ Important things to keep in mind during this period:

📵No phones are allowed at school/during exams.

🕗Always be on time for your exam. Try to be at school at least 15 minutes before the exam starts.

📋Make sure to double check the classroom in which you’ll be having your exam(s) on the day. Every day an updated list will be published on the noticeboard next to the Assistant Head’s office.

📝Keep your desk clear during the exam and only keep essentials. REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR NAME AND CLASS ON YOUR EXAM PAPER.
⛔️No one is allowed to leave the classroom before the exam ends. Make use of the time allocated to the exam and if you finish early make sure you CHECK YOUR WORK.

😴 Make sure to get enough rest during the next couple of weeks.

🥛VERY IMPORTANT – Make sure you stay HYDRATED.

Keep calm and stay focused. You’ve got this!





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