Grow a Mo save a bro

By November 29, 2021School Life

Mo vember implies “mo” for moustache and vember for “November”. It is an annual event that includes or promotes symbolically growing moustache during the month of November. This whole event is held with aim of raising awareness about men’s health issues.

Year 11’s Assistant Head Mr.Linwood and Form teachers with the initiative of the Youth Worker, Ms. Jane Meilak, all year 11 students were given a moustache brooch. A small scroll was attached to the brooch with a message that read ‘Movember Activities – Awareness for men’s health issues are raised during the month of November. 40 year old men and over are encouraged to test themselves for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health.’

With this awareness and early check-ups helps to increase early cancer diagnosis and detection resulting in effective and timely treatment, so as to reduce the number of preventable deaths.

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